Thinker for a better world

hrough a critical engagement with Marxist theory and with the ideas of many other thinkers – notably Murray Bookchin, André Gunder Frank, Immanuel Wallerstein and Fernand Braudel – Öcalan has produced new understandings that have become a source of inspiration and hope throughout the world.

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The Other Imrali Prisoners

There are currently three other PKK prisoners held on İmralı. They are also suffering from isolation, as summarised by Asrın Law Office, below. (We do not know if they actually met the delegation from the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) during their visit in September 2022 as the CPT refuses to release any information about that visit.)

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Three Days Of Protest Outside The Cpt

This week’s protest was prompted by the claims made to Öcalan’s lawyers that Öcalan had not met with the CPT delegation, which would mean that he has had no contact with the outside word since a very brief phone call in March 2021. In any case, the CPT are refusing to give any information as to his condition.

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